Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Discussion questions:Ann Johns' and Linda Harklau's articles (the issues about bilingualism, 1.5 generation)

Discussion questions:

1. From the good kids to the worst: Representation of English language learners across educational settings. (Linda Harklau)

<1>What does “representation” mean in the educational settings?

<2>What are student images changing from the “good kids” (urban U.S. secondary school) to the “worst” (community college ESOL program)? How do students react through the process of representation? How do teachers’/ instructors’ response to students’ performance?

<3>Harklau points out that power figures prominently in the exercise of representation (p 40). Do you agree with the idea?

<4> Do you think the representions shaped by teachers or educational institutions will influence students’ behavior and academic achievement?

2. Opening our doors: Applying Socioliterate Approaches (SA) to language minority classrooms. (Ann M, Johns)

<5>What are characteristics of Socioliterate Approaches (SA)? Why do John argue that SA is better than expressivist and personal identity approaches?

<6>John outlines some specific goals (p287~289) for socioliterate classroom. Do you think these goals will be beneficial to the language minority students? What is your opinion?

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